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I Freaking Murdered My Back Today!

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  • I Freaking Murdered My Back Today!

    I had one of the best workouts in a long time. I just felt like I am going to have great results. One of those. I went in this order:

    T-bar rows 4 sets, 15/12/10/10

    Straight arm lat pulldowns (close grip)
    4 sets, 12/12/10/6

    Wide grip lat pulldowns 4 sets

    Sitting low cable rows 3 sets

    I know, who cares. But I'm so stoked about the weights I got today. I had a monsterous upper back pump and my muscles feel on fire. No doubt I'll experience DOMS (I'm sure mini will ask what this is ). I needed this because I've felt like crap this week. I didt touch a carb pre workout either, which is suprising. In fact, I've kept calories way down today. I've only had 800 calories before and the macro split was 50/30/20 roughly. I just thought I'd share how great today was, and maybe ill just add this stuff to my log. I probably should have done this instead, I didn't even think about it. Anyways, I'm going to enjoy a pizza now for supper to get close to finishing out my macros for the day, then before bed I will eay a bunch of almonds, a small can of tuna, and a handful of fiber one cereal. I should finish the day with about 2500 calories, which is real close to 100 under maintenance. Good day for me. So crazy how a good workout can make up for a crumby day!

  • #2
    Originally posted by magnus
    Good deal buddy. Do you think the tren is kicking in?
    I don't think so. Strength is about the same still, maybe a little bit more. Definitely getting more reps of the weights though. I really hope the tren makes me a lot stronger!


    • #3
      Bravo Champ...........!!
      ."The only easy day was yesterday"

      "I am immortal......I have within me blood of kings.........I am man can be my equal"


      • #4
        Originally posted by Mini-G
        That's awesome!! I love workouts that are so intense you wanna tell the world!

        And you're a dick.... What's DOMS?... Really though..



        • #5
          Delated onset mucsular soreness.


          • #6
            what no deads..


            • #7
              whats a straight arm lat pull down??


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mini-G

                That right thurrr
                Thank You mini g.


                • #9
                  ahh ok

                  might try that one today.. something different..

