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Guns, Guns, and more Guns!!!

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  • #16
    There we go! Scroll up, you should see them now.
    Chief writer for
    Formerly known as Atomini the world's largest informational resource on anabolic steroids and all things performance enhancing drug related!
    "Strongest minds are often those whom the noisy world hears least" - William Wordsworth


    • #17
      Love it! Building guns are my favorite! My AR has nothing but the action still stock. Everyone says I'm an idiot for sinking so much money in it because I can't get it back out if I had to sell. My response is who cares! It's my gun and I want what I want. I even replaced the safety pin and trigger. Well, the barrel is still stock for now. I plan to cut it down to 11"(if I can find a shady gunsmith) and add a full on 6" silenced supressor. Even though illegal if you dont have the class 3 ffa license, I hope to get that eventually.


      • #18
        Gah, you guys have a lot more leeway to do that stuff down there than we do. Quick rundown of Canadian firearms law in case you didn't already know:

        Firearms are classified into 3 different categories: non-restricted, restricted, and prohibited.

        Non-restricted are typically long guns and shotguns. There is no barrel size length requirement if the firearm must be manually cocked after each shot (bolt-actions, pump-actions, etc.). If the barrel length is less than 18" and it is a semi-auto, it is moved into the restricted category. Non-restricted firearms can be transported anywhere in the trunk of your car and can be taken out to the bush to be used to hunt, target shoot, etc.

        Restricteds are typically ALL handguns and any semi-auto firearm that is less than 18 inches in barrel length AND/OR any firearm for ANY reason at ANY time that the RCMP deems is restricted even though it may meet all requirements to be in the non-restricted category. An example of this is the AR-15 platform, because the AR-15 platform is scary looking and is used as a military-issue rifle for the Canadian and American military. Despite the fact that there are many AR-15s that are well over 18" in length and are semi-auto only, they still fall into restricted zone because they were arbitrarily deemed 'restricted firearms' like 20 years ago or whatever. Restricted firearms cannot be taken into the bush to shoot, you cannot hunt with them, and you can only transport them to an approved shooting range, AND you must have what is called an ATT (authorization to transport) certificate to be able to transport them from your home to the range. Thankfully, the national firearms association here in Canada is fighting to de-restrict the AR-15 platform, and a recent bill that is currently being passed through parliament is going to eliminate the ATT requirements for transportation.

        Prohibited firearms are full-autos, explosives, etc. Almost nobody has a prohibited license except those to have it grandfathered to them because they were in possession of these firearms before the firearms act came into effect 25 years ago.

        That's the general lowdown. I need to look into what I need to do to be able to transport at least my non-restricted firearms to the USA. I heard all you need to do is fill out a form that is sent to the ATF, but some states require Canadians to have a hunting license for that state to go there. Need to look into that for Tennessee. Do you have any knowledge on that? Restricted firearms are a whole other set of hoops to jump through. I would need an invitation to a shooting competition to bring them, THEN get the forms filled out for the ATF and RCMP, blah blah blah. Too much hassle.
        Chief writer for
        Formerly known as Atomini the world's largest informational resource on anabolic steroids and all things performance enhancing drug related!
        "Strongest minds are often those whom the noisy world hears least" - William Wordsworth


        • #19
          Geez. Well, we have it a little better for now. In 5 years, we may be far worse off at the rate we are going. "Our" secretary of state has already said they want all handguns outlawed and is lobbying for this act as we speak. And all assault weapons due to as you just said "scary looking". It is so absurd. If history repeats itself, as it does 100% of the time, when guns are banned, government takes control and then you have Mao, Stalins, Hitlers, etc rise up and demolish millions. But that's another story. In the US, our second amendment is not just for us to bear firearms, but to protect ourselves against a tyrannical government. Not that I'm a 2nd amendment Fruitloop, but it is our protected right to bear. And an assault rifle should be banNed because it is scary looking? It's absurd. We who love guns and are law abiding citizens are getting penalized because of psychopaths who use guns for harm,and are 90% of the time felons who isn't suposed to have firearms. Take away guns, the criminals will continue to get them, and the government can have their way. We all know guns don't kill people, and if they were banned, crime would rise because people will still kill people. Guns don't make it easier. However, an assailant who breaks into a house may reconsider if they find the homeowner is packing heat. It's sickening.
          As far as transport of long guns, I am not sure how Canada is about crossing boarders, but I know for us, if it is a long gun, we have it checked, no ammo is allowed it the same vessel as the gun, and the gun must be did assembled and properly stored and locked for transport. I will check into this farther.

