There are many food groups we consume daily. As with us in the bodybuilding lifestyle, we generally strive to eat a well-balanced, high protein diet that consists of all the requirements that we must have in order to achieve and maintain our desired goals. For most "experts" and diet gurus, diet normally is accounted for 50% of the overall requirements to reach a certain goal, with training, sleep, AAS usually anywhere from 10-25% per. I tend to agree that diet is the single most important part of what we do. I will even go as far as to say it can account for much more than 50%, especially with people who are way overweight, or for people way underweight. For the obese person, losing weight is much more important than adding mass, so a caloric deficit should be used to drop the weight. How much of a deficit is up to the individual. The biggest thing that I see in an overweight person trying to lose weigh is that they normally try to cut too many calories out right off the bat, which leads to "burnout" and an unsustainable diet that is set up to fail. Start out with a 200-300 calorie deficit, then eventually work up to around 500. Anything more than 500 calories under maintenance can also lead to burnout. It can be done, and I would recommend it in "pulses". An example would be:
Weeks 1-2
200-300 calories under maintenance
Week 3
500 calorie deficit
week 4
up to 800 calorie deficit
week ???
Repeat 1-2
This is basically a type of re-feed and is the same thing we do in weight training by switching up our routines to help us to bust through plateaus. The example just set is just that, an example.
For the underweight, the opposite is necessary. These body types need to be on a caloric surplus. And the same rules will apply here as with the overweight. Don't start out with a HUGE increase in order to pack on size quick. It is uncalled for, and it is a big health risk to do such. I have seen first hand many young guys who want to add size fast and do the opposite of what I would recommend. Mass gainers, fatty foods, sugars, fast food, etc. can all lead to some serious health issues, like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fat, and so on. Start out just as the overweight and increase your calories by 200-300 per day over maintenance. You will eventually be able to add more as you put the weight on and will have to in order to adjust for your new maintenance. Anyone who says "I just cant put weight on" is only saying so because they aren't eating enough, period. The same applies for the overweight. You will lose, or gain based on how many calories above or below you are. It is the ONLY way to achieve either. And the fact is, if the goal is to lose weight, cut calories back. To add weight, add calories. In doing this, you will most definitely start to add or lose weight, this I can guarantee.
Now for the foods. Lets say that your calorie intake to maintain your current weight is at 2500 calories. You want to add weight, so you up your calories to 2800 to start. Do not resort to highly processed foods or fast foods. This is a huge mistake! While it is much easier to add the mass, the quality of mass isn't what would be considered optimal. With all of the high saturated fats, fillers, preservatives, and colors, you not only risk adding the wrong kind of mass, but you also risk heart disease, and a host of other potential problems. Fast foods are a good way to make you feel like total crap due to everything that is in them that is not actual food. Sure, its easy and fast, and all of the calories are there, but there is no way to set a diet based on a macronutrient split by eating all of that junk. In this lifestyle, we don't live by speed of results, or by how easy it is to achieve our end goal. Slow and steady always wins the race! I am no one to judge here because I do have my fair share of fast food, but I also have a set diet based off of a grueling work schedule and little to no time to eat throughout the day. So I might get a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit for breakfast and then not eat a decent meal until dinner. I do have a shake on hand, as well as some nuts, granola, or something of that nature to power myself through the day. Junk foods are not only unhealthy and put you at a higher risk of health problems, they also make you feel down, depressed, groggy, no energy, and bloated. This is a scientific fact, that has been shown for years to be true. If any references are needed for this, I can post some, or you could use a little energy and give it a google. Its worth a google
***SIDE NOTEAnd by the way, cool it with the cokes, sodas, and even diet sodas! They are all full of artificial colors and sweeteners. A diet soda is as bad, if not worse than a regular soda. I know, I know..........They taste so good! Just keep it in moderation and control your cravings. Even with the "cookies" and other snacks. Moderation is key, and if it wasn't, you wouldn't need to be here in the first place........
How many marathon runners or triathletes do you see chugging a soda before the race? Or a bodybuilder slamming a coke pre or post workout?
The best bet on choosing the best foods would be natural and/or organic. Yes, they are more expensive, and yes they are also a bit harder to find outside of a specialty supermarket, but they are well worth the effort and money put into them. I don't use a 100% natural or organic diet because I honestly cant afford to do so, but I try to keep it about 50/50, give or take a little. When using all natural foods, you are in control of your diet, not a factory. Its contents should consist of what is on the label. If you buy natural peanut butter, the ingredients should be peanuts. Eating this way is so much healthier, and keeps you feeling good about sticking to your diet. It is nothing like fast food in that it gives you energy, improves your health, and does basically everything junk food doesn't do (other than satisfy your desire to eat). Choose foods high in the preferred macronutrient, such as:
Protein- lean meats, nuts, lentils, beans, milk, and try to choose a wide variety of protein sources for the various amino acid profiles that each contain.
Carbohydrates- Rice, oats, potatoes, breads, FRUITS and VEGGIES, and keep carbs adjusted to what suits you best for your goals. Some prefer moderate-high carbs, while some only use trace carbs. I do feel that carbs to have a special purpose in any type of training.
Fats- Nuts, seeds, milk, cottage cheese, different yogurts, omegas found in fish and other seafood. Fats are essential, and shouldn't be avoided in my honest opinion. Contrary to popular old wives tales, fats can be and are heart healthy, as long as it is the right fats.
I am not going to be giving out diets to suit anyone's goal, as everyone's body will respond differently to certain macronutrient splits. If anyone needs a diet suited to their specific goals, please post and ask in this thread, or preferably start your own so that you can get in depth advice. We have some extremely knowledgeable members here from all walks of life, and all different body types. We can get you started off right and help hold you accountable, and were glad to do it!
"Calories in, calories out." What you put into your body will be what you get out of it. Good, quality sources of nutrients will consistently out perform crappy sources. In doing what we do, we are out to look our best and feel our best. We are not going to be able to do either by eating preservatives, additives, and fillers. If we are to be serious about training and reaching our goals, we should be willing to do what is necessary to keep our health as our number 1 priority. We only get one body, so it is up to us how we treat it!
Anyone is welcome to post here and add some foods of choice, as well as personal experience. All information and articles are welcome and I'd be interested in hearing from some of you guys on this subject. There is literally thousands of articles right at the click of a button that would be useful here, but I kept it short and "sweet". But if any of you guys have anything to add, bring it on! Thanks for your time!
Weeks 1-2
200-300 calories under maintenance
Week 3
500 calorie deficit
week 4
up to 800 calorie deficit
week ???
Repeat 1-2
This is basically a type of re-feed and is the same thing we do in weight training by switching up our routines to help us to bust through plateaus. The example just set is just that, an example.
For the underweight, the opposite is necessary. These body types need to be on a caloric surplus. And the same rules will apply here as with the overweight. Don't start out with a HUGE increase in order to pack on size quick. It is uncalled for, and it is a big health risk to do such. I have seen first hand many young guys who want to add size fast and do the opposite of what I would recommend. Mass gainers, fatty foods, sugars, fast food, etc. can all lead to some serious health issues, like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fat, and so on. Start out just as the overweight and increase your calories by 200-300 per day over maintenance. You will eventually be able to add more as you put the weight on and will have to in order to adjust for your new maintenance. Anyone who says "I just cant put weight on" is only saying so because they aren't eating enough, period. The same applies for the overweight. You will lose, or gain based on how many calories above or below you are. It is the ONLY way to achieve either. And the fact is, if the goal is to lose weight, cut calories back. To add weight, add calories. In doing this, you will most definitely start to add or lose weight, this I can guarantee.
Now for the foods. Lets say that your calorie intake to maintain your current weight is at 2500 calories. You want to add weight, so you up your calories to 2800 to start. Do not resort to highly processed foods or fast foods. This is a huge mistake! While it is much easier to add the mass, the quality of mass isn't what would be considered optimal. With all of the high saturated fats, fillers, preservatives, and colors, you not only risk adding the wrong kind of mass, but you also risk heart disease, and a host of other potential problems. Fast foods are a good way to make you feel like total crap due to everything that is in them that is not actual food. Sure, its easy and fast, and all of the calories are there, but there is no way to set a diet based on a macronutrient split by eating all of that junk. In this lifestyle, we don't live by speed of results, or by how easy it is to achieve our end goal. Slow and steady always wins the race! I am no one to judge here because I do have my fair share of fast food, but I also have a set diet based off of a grueling work schedule and little to no time to eat throughout the day. So I might get a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit for breakfast and then not eat a decent meal until dinner. I do have a shake on hand, as well as some nuts, granola, or something of that nature to power myself through the day. Junk foods are not only unhealthy and put you at a higher risk of health problems, they also make you feel down, depressed, groggy, no energy, and bloated. This is a scientific fact, that has been shown for years to be true. If any references are needed for this, I can post some, or you could use a little energy and give it a google. Its worth a google

***SIDE NOTEAnd by the way, cool it with the cokes, sodas, and even diet sodas! They are all full of artificial colors and sweeteners. A diet soda is as bad, if not worse than a regular soda. I know, I know..........They taste so good! Just keep it in moderation and control your cravings. Even with the "cookies" and other snacks. Moderation is key, and if it wasn't, you wouldn't need to be here in the first place........

The best bet on choosing the best foods would be natural and/or organic. Yes, they are more expensive, and yes they are also a bit harder to find outside of a specialty supermarket, but they are well worth the effort and money put into them. I don't use a 100% natural or organic diet because I honestly cant afford to do so, but I try to keep it about 50/50, give or take a little. When using all natural foods, you are in control of your diet, not a factory. Its contents should consist of what is on the label. If you buy natural peanut butter, the ingredients should be peanuts. Eating this way is so much healthier, and keeps you feeling good about sticking to your diet. It is nothing like fast food in that it gives you energy, improves your health, and does basically everything junk food doesn't do (other than satisfy your desire to eat). Choose foods high in the preferred macronutrient, such as:
Protein- lean meats, nuts, lentils, beans, milk, and try to choose a wide variety of protein sources for the various amino acid profiles that each contain.
Carbohydrates- Rice, oats, potatoes, breads, FRUITS and VEGGIES, and keep carbs adjusted to what suits you best for your goals. Some prefer moderate-high carbs, while some only use trace carbs. I do feel that carbs to have a special purpose in any type of training.
Fats- Nuts, seeds, milk, cottage cheese, different yogurts, omegas found in fish and other seafood. Fats are essential, and shouldn't be avoided in my honest opinion. Contrary to popular old wives tales, fats can be and are heart healthy, as long as it is the right fats.
I am not going to be giving out diets to suit anyone's goal, as everyone's body will respond differently to certain macronutrient splits. If anyone needs a diet suited to their specific goals, please post and ask in this thread, or preferably start your own so that you can get in depth advice. We have some extremely knowledgeable members here from all walks of life, and all different body types. We can get you started off right and help hold you accountable, and were glad to do it!
"Calories in, calories out." What you put into your body will be what you get out of it. Good, quality sources of nutrients will consistently out perform crappy sources. In doing what we do, we are out to look our best and feel our best. We are not going to be able to do either by eating preservatives, additives, and fillers. If we are to be serious about training and reaching our goals, we should be willing to do what is necessary to keep our health as our number 1 priority. We only get one body, so it is up to us how we treat it!
Anyone is welcome to post here and add some foods of choice, as well as personal experience. All information and articles are welcome and I'd be interested in hearing from some of you guys on this subject. There is literally thousands of articles right at the click of a button that would be useful here, but I kept it short and "sweet". But if any of you guys have anything to add, bring it on! Thanks for your time!