Here is my typical day:
6am 5eggs (two whole three white) greek yogert dry wheat toast
7am. Protein shake (currently muscle tech phase 8)
9Am 5oz meat serving of greens (green pepper or broc usualy)
11Am Protein shake
1Pm. Repeat 9am
3Pm. 2Pk granola bar w peanut butter on it
430 weight train
630 protein shake
9pm 5oz meat and cottage cheese or yogurt
11Pm bed
Workouts are usually an hr to an hr twenty
Mon chest
Tue. Shoukders/3mile run
Wed legs
Thur bis n tris
Fri back
Sat off
Sunday long run 6-12miles
6am 5eggs (two whole three white) greek yogert dry wheat toast
7am. Protein shake (currently muscle tech phase 8)
9Am 5oz meat serving of greens (green pepper or broc usualy)
11Am Protein shake
1Pm. Repeat 9am
3Pm. 2Pk granola bar w peanut butter on it
430 weight train
630 protein shake
9pm 5oz meat and cottage cheese or yogurt
11Pm bed
Workouts are usually an hr to an hr twenty
Mon chest
Tue. Shoukders/3mile run
Wed legs
Thur bis n tris
Fri back
Sat off
Sunday long run 6-12miles