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My first injectable cycle

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    Originally posted by Theone2005 View Post
    Hi all,

    I've been searching the internet for information on steroids and I came across this site. It is quite detailed documented and organized, so it is easy to navigate and find a specific information. I am opening this thread because I would like to develop my first cycle with injectable steroids. First I will lay down some facts about me.

    Here are some of my statistics:
    Age: 33
    Height: 189cm
    Weight: cca 205lbs
    Bodyfat: cca 13-15%

    - I've been training in the gym for about 7-8 years (started 2009).

    - In my time, I've been on 2 oral steroid cycles (both in 2012). I can't remember the dosages, but I know they were very low, as I was advised from my friend. I did not do any research at that time. I also don't recall any side-effects (nether mid or post cycle):
    1st cycle: Winstrol, Oral-turinabol
    2nd cycle: Winstrol,Oral-turinabol and clen-buterol

    After 2012, I haven't been on any steroid cycle anymore. My goal right now is to gain some solid muscle. I see some progress now too, but it's very slow.

    My current diet is customized for cutting. It is a low-carb diet with occasional refeed (once every 1-2 weeks). When I was bulking it was similar, expect with higher amount of CARBS (mostly around my workout) and also more FAT.
    My current training routine is split: legs, back, shoulders+biceps, chest+triceps. Every few days I also do core work (abs, lower back, side abs, glutes) and cardio. I was around 216lbs in winter when I was bulking, I now I've dieted down to 205lbs.

    My future plan is to cut a little bit more, but not to go below 200lbs. Here is where I want to go on a cycle to gain some clean mass. I think my best option would be test enanthate and a standard PCT. I will post a sample plan soon. If you already have any suggestions/remarks, please feel free to comment.
    Firstly, welcome to

    Second, well done for doing our research, you seem to have read a lot.

    Third, what are your goals? You cannot really add mass and cut.

    A Test based steroid would be advised here. I'd suggest Test Prop for 6-8 weeks with perhaps Anavar at 60mg/ED, 0.5mg Adex 3x week and HCG 500ius twice per week. Test Prop or Phenylpropionate injected EOD or 3x per week.

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  • Theone2005
    started a topic My first injectable cycle

    My first injectable cycle

    Hi all,

    I've been searching the internet for information on steroids and I came across this site. It is quite detailed documented and organized, so it is easy to navigate and find a specific information. I am opening this thread because I would like to develop my first cycle with injectable steroids. First I will lay down some facts about me.

    Here are some of my statistics:
    Age: 33
    Height: 189cm
    Weight: cca 205lbs
    Bodyfat: cca 13-15%

    - I've been training in the gym for about 7-8 years (started 2009).

    - In my time, I've been on 2 oral steroid cycles (both in 2012). I can't remember the dosages, but I know they were very low, as I was advised from my friend. I did not do any research at that time. I also don't recall any side-effects (nether mid or post cycle):
    1st cycle: Winstrol, Oral-turinabol
    2nd cycle: Winstrol,Oral-turinabol and clen-buterol

    After 2012, I haven't been on any steroid cycle anymore. My goal right now is to gain some solid muscle. I see some progress now too, but it's very slow.

    My current diet is customized for cutting. It is a low-carb diet with occasional refeed (once every 1-2 weeks). When I was bulking it was similar, expect with higher amount of CARBS (mostly around my workout) and also more FAT.
    My current training routine is split: legs, back, shoulders+biceps, chest+triceps. Every few days I also do core work (abs, lower back, side abs, glutes) and cardio. I was around 216lbs in winter when I was bulking, I now I've dieted down to 205lbs.

    My future plan is to cut a little bit more, but not to go below 200lbs. Here is where I want to go on a cycle to gain some clean mass. I think my best option would be test enanthate and a standard PCT. I will post a sample plan soon. If you already have any suggestions/remarks, please feel free to comment.