To be really experienced in the discipline of body building u need to go through lots of stages, and though I've trained my ass of since I was 14, I wasn't aware of 99% of what it was all about. In the days in my country this wasn't very popular and we didn't have anything to learn from, so the trial and error were the only teachers. First year I wasn't even aware that I had to eat properly to recover, so I was doing stacks of over-training session, I really was motivated to the bone, cos I was a skinny 65kg 184cm tall boy, and thanks to my complete ignore of dieting I remained basically the same weight1929049_1053913641835_6743_n.jpg. Second year I started eating, and for an ectomorph my approach of eating everything in big quantities didn't make me fat I had gainz up to 75kg, sure they were virgin watery muscle but I was still happy that I was moving forward1929049_1053913921842_8066_n.jpg. Than the third year since I was still in school I could eat only whatever we had in the fridge back home and that wasn't enough to make those precious gainz, so I started working on weekends so I could afford more meat in my diet, and start experimenting with supplements. I've read for nights on end about those supplements, cos they were just making there first appearance in my country, we had only one dealer that was importing Australian supplements called Musashi. I've known most of the descriptions of them supplement by heart, I really thought that they were holding the key to success in bodybuilding, gullible as it sounds now, back than we didn't have so much info. I wasted every cent I made mostly on supps, the advertisers made me believe that they were more important than food. Anyways u'd probably guessed the results. Creatine helped me a bit, I liked the effect of water retention, everything else was closer to placebo, I took HMB, BCAA, Glutamine and of-course whey protein, which probably helped a bit and I truly believed they helped, and I was a hard believer in the slow progress, I was going for the long term! 547367_10200444736874724_383419197_n.jpgFew years after the internet was more wide spread, I start placing the pieces together of the 90% missing info that i didn't know, the "dark side" of the bodybuilding. I was still a youngster and though I heard of roids I was damn scared of them, I had a gyno without even taking any it was some sort of teenage gyno that some boys get in there teen years. I had a surgery and came back to the gym even more motivated without them bitch tits
I knew roids can give u that but even after I had it removed and couldn't possibly get that shit again I was still afraid to start. I read bout it as much as I read bout supps before that, and started gaining confidence for my future first cycle. That happened after I finished high school at the age of 19, back than u can still buy pharmacy grade roids over the counter, u could do it now too but they are greatly over priced and have only 2 kinds. I bought retabolil and omnadren, which u might know as deca( with the difference that it's less of it) and slow acting testosterone. And as I was use to eating all kinds of crap almost without gaining fat, I did the same thing during my first cycle, I even ate more junk. The results were of-course I gained bout 15-20kgs of mostly water and fat, though in retrospect, I've gained quite a lot of muscle too, for those low dosages I took, probably now I can't even feel. Anywayz I invested my whole budget as always, and took roids 2-3 times a year, unfortunately I was addicted to the scale, and continued on my binge eating till I became 125kg.1929049_1053771278276_6996_n.jpg.. Only then I realized I was fat as fuck and started my first cutting cycle ever. I started it without roids just using some efedra, a mistake again, than I jumped on the gear again, and was quite happy with the results I dropped till 93kg, that's like 32kgs down ( back then it was still considered normal to gain that much with dirty bulking and cutting half of your weight after this, which now I believe most of the guys in the know, know it's complete bull and it only stresses your body ). I was in the best shape of my life2822_1098473915814_7814725_n.jpg, and a year later the shit hit the fan, I ended up in prison for a year in another country, prior to that I was dirty bulking again to 125, I came out flat and looking like shit at 73kgs, the food was shit inside and the onsly stuff u could buy was raw peanuts. That didn't prevent me from training with whatever means I had inside, but without proper recovery it had only catabollc effects on me....