I was out for 5-6mnths before I got in trouble again but this time I was in a European prison, where I've gained though without gear a significant amount of weight, I did 2 years there and came out 107 fat as fuck
66761_10200444713634143_120993129_n.jpgThat was just bout 2-3yrs ago, the last month of the year 2012. My years from 21-25 I spent inside with a small break in between. My spirit was as high as ever and since I had some money I could afford good dieting and gear, I made another great mistake, to cut down fast I jumped on 0carbs and 0 fat for 4mnths, I became 89kg flat as fuck and with hernial tears from the bad dieting, the only food I ate for almost 1/2year was steamed chicken breasts and water, and I mean from the very fist to the very last meal that was all I had, the gear I was using was pharma grade Primabolan and some Chinese growth hygetropin which I think was the only thing that kept me alive in this brutal diet23405_10200277422371966_1550001156_n.jpg. Anyways the results were fucking grate when I started loading on carbs and put in a few more compound in the system. I was lucky to research and friend the very ppl that were importing and supplying most of the gear in here, and everything they had was lab tested or pharma grade products. Unfortunately that heavy dieting caused my hernial tears, and I had to go into surgery for my guts were about to fall out. I was, shredded as fuck at 97kgs,and All the gainz I made went down the drain though I learned the most precious piece of advice and that is legit gear is the key to legit results, anywayz during surgery I had complications so I was fed through my vein with glucose and no food for almost 2 weeks, and u know what that means. I lost 20kilos of pure muscle979734_10200691549844894_1041491805_n.jpg. A year has passed since then and I'll try include pictures to cover my story from the very begining, but I can confidently say that not only I've recovered but I'm now in the best shape of my life10411235_10204453319321874_657798378335778400_n.jpg. And this is just the begining... I came here to learn and help out. I learned quite a lot from the dramatic changes in my body I had. I don't know if someone will read my story but Im glad I wrote it