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cutting cycle critique

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  • cutting cycle critique


    24 (25 by the time i start this cycle)
    6 ft
    95 kg (209 lbs)
    19%bf ish
    3 years training exp
    1 previous test cycle (February '13), and a few clen cycles


    week 1-6 test prop 100mg EOD
    week 1-6 Adex .25mg EOD
    week 1-6 T3 ED (not sure on dosage, maybe 150 mcg, thinking week 1 increase dosage until i get to 150 mcg, week 6 taper off..)
    week 1-6 clen 120 mcg ED
    week 3-6 keto 2mg ED (is this how your supposed to use it??)

    week 7-10 PCT (3 days after last pin)
    torem 120/60/60/60
    tamox 40/20/20/20

    i was thinking might extend it to 8 weeks.. but 6 weeks on a calorie deficit will be challenge enough..
    thinking of adding in some var.. but that may be overkill.. thoughts??
    since the T3 is catabolic, is 100mg of test prop EOD enough to conteract this??
    also i will be cutting down to 90 kg natty before starting this cycle, aiming for 85 kg



  • #2
    My honest opinion Drpackenwood, would to be extend it to 8. If you were using higher doses I would say 6 would be fine. I love test p @ 100 mgs eod, but I have the best results from about 4-8 weeks. If I use 200mgs eod, results come on much faster, but the results that high is usually weight gain. My best "cut" was test p at your dose for 8 weeks. If using anavar, 50-60 mgs would be a good start. Anavar dose a good job of helping me pack on size and lean out. If you opt for var as well, I would say 6 weeks for test and var would be sufficient instead of 8.


    • #3
      thanks warmouth

      decided to go with:

      week 1-6 test prop 100mg EOD
      week 1-6 anavar 60mg ED
      week 1-6 Adex .25mg EOD
      week 1-6 clen 120mcg ED
      week 1-6 T3 100mcg ED
      week 3-6 keto 1mg ED

      week 7-10 PCT (3 days after last pin)
      torem 120/60/60/60
      tamox 40/20/20/20


      • #4
        That looks great! Youre going to have fun with that one. Dont expect a lot(mass wise)but that will be a clean and solid cut, and ill bet you add 5lbs of LBM on top of it that
        will be very maintainable. Nice choice. I know mass isn't the goal. I love the way anavar makes me feel and look. I hope you like vascularity!


        • #5
          lol yea i love vascularity, except only ever see it in my forearms and calves...

          thinking of extending it to 8 weeks..if im still making good progress at the end of week 6 then might as well.... ill just see how it goes i guess...

          also someone suggested i up the var dose to 80mg ED... will there really be that much of a difference between 60 and 80mg?? and for the purpose that im using it for?? idk just trying to keep it simple and keep the sides down... original plan was just the prop and a couple weeks of clen lol...


          • #6
            Originally posted by DrBPackenwood View Post
            lol yea i love vascularity, except only ever see it in my forearms and calves...

            thinking of extending it to 8 weeks..if im still making good progress at the end of week 6 then might as well.... ill just see how it goes i guess...

            also someone suggested i up the var dose to 80mg ED... will there really be that much of a difference between 60 and 80mg?? and for the purpose that im using it for?? idk just trying to keep it simple and keep the sides down... original plan was just the prop and a couple weeks of clen lol...
            If it is your first time with var, 60mgs is perfectly fine. If you want to go 80, that would have to be up to you. 60 will be more than enough for a cut. I have a buddy who took 60mgs his first time and added 15lbs in 6 weeks with only 150mgs of test. You call on the dose. I took 80 my first time and the sides did get a little rough.

