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Tren Acetate plus Test Enanthate cycle Dosage/Advice

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  • Tren Acetate plus Test Enanthate cycle Dosage/Advice

    Sup guys

    stats first:
    2yrs training
    5'11" 158lbs 06%BF
    bulking Goal weight : 195

    OK so this is my first trenbolone (acetate) cycle coming up and i just wanted to get some opinions on where to start and whats worked for others.

    On hand i have:
    100mg per 1cc @ 20cc of Tren Acetate
    400mg per 1cc @ 10cc of Test Enanthate

    What are your suggestions for a good cycle? do i start my trenbolone A on day one or wait a week for the testosterone enanthate to get my test levels up? What dosages would you recommend? I've done orals before but not injections.
    also, what supps should i be running along side this to help? By supps I mean what AI would you run? Is it easy to come by? I realize I have enough tren to last me like 20 weeks lol. But I was just looking to use about 8 weeks worth and then save the rest for my next cycle.

    Also, new to syringes/needles. What sizes will I need?

    Thanks for your time guys!

  • #2
    You don't have enough gear actually. You plan on doing 100mg tren per week? You need to sell the tren. This is your first real cycle and only need testosterone. Why do you think you need tren already? Further more, you're kinda young. Do you know what your hpta is? Endocrine system? Cycling your age will cause permanent long term effects. Your endocrine system doesn't stop developing until around 25


    • #3
      I can get more gear. And listen, I appreciate the concern, and the fact that you actually brought up the hpta. I am familiar with what it is and it's role in my body. It secretes hormones to my blood if I'm not mistaken. Regardless in my opinion (not dissing yours or discrediting yours) I think it's difficult to damage that permanently and if I took low doses to introduce my body and allow it to adapt to the new substances I introduce then I will be fine. I'm not wanting to debate it and I'll accept the difference in views. I plan on running it regardless once I figure out what dosages I should take (if i need more gear I can grab some more) and find a good Aromatize Inhibitor to run with if at all. Just picking people's knowledge before I dive in and appreciate the advice my man.


      • #4
        Well when you take AAS, you shut it down. And at your age, you're turning it off while it's still developing. Dose doesn't matter as far as shutdown is concerned. 300mg of test or 2000mg of test, your hpta will still be turned off. Just want you aware doing this while it's still developing can lead to pretty crappy issues. Limp dick, depression, etc. whichever eventually leads you to a life of trt and dependent on a needle forever.

        With all that said, if you are going to continue with a cycle, you need to do test only for the first couple. Your first will always be your best. Another member here is on his first and has gained 30lbs thus far with test only. You don't want to add the big boys like tren too early because it'll make growing later much harder. Your body reacts to what you use and adapts. You don't want a tolerance to tren this early. Hope that makes sense


        • #5
          I'd say you should concentrate on learning to eat first brother. 5'-11" / 158 lbs & only 6% body fat?!, you haven't even scratched the surface of your natural limit. You need food, not steroids. And I would also like to wave the caution flag in reference to the H.P.T.A. & Endocrine, it only takes one injection to potentially alter the rest of your life.

          I would love to see you put together a proper bulking diet & hit it hard for a few more years before hitting the gear. Fact're just not ready.
          ."The only easy day was yesterday"

          "I am immortal......I have within me blood of kings.........I am man can be my equal"


          • #6
            Originally posted by BEAR View Post
            I'd say you should concentrate on learning to eat first brother. 5'-11" / 158 lbs & only 6% body fat?!, you haven't even scratched the surface of your natural limit. You need food, not steroids. And I would also like to wave the caution flag in reference to the H.P.T.A. & Endocrine, it only takes one injection to potentially alter the rest of your life.

            I would love to see you put together a proper bulking diet & hit it hard for a few more years before hitting the gear. Fact're just not ready.
            This is kinda what I'm thinking. You're very lean, but a little light. Without knowing you, I'd say you don't like the thought of your abs fading a bit, which will psychologically affect your bulk. At 5'11", 195 is very naturally attainable, though your body fat will quite likely increase. Use the gear once you get to 195 to bulk to 225. At 5'11" that will look big.


            • #7
              I was 5'11 and 180 when I first used and I regret it. Wish I would've been 200lbs first. And I used tren too early. And too high of doses. So this is me speaking my own mistakes


              • #8
                Great advice here.

                You should also post your diet in the diet forum for us to have a look at.


                • #9
                  Yeah guys I really appreciate the feedback. I actually am gonna stray away until I reach a stalemate. I've been eating like a monster (maybe not the cleanest but fairly) and have been seeing gains still. Eager as I may be to become that 190 lean. I'll try pursuing it naturally and keeping the consistency and mixing up my workout routines. I do want to compete for bodybuilding but realizing I have time to work for it as a natty and am in no real rush other than my current unsatisfied mindset. I'm gonna leave the tren on the shelf and maybe once i hit about 170 (hopefully in a couple months) run the cycle of just test..

                  You guys are awesome, nobody was negatively talking down to me just being real and appreciate that. Definitely looking forward to becoming an avid/active member of this community!

                  btw my diet right now im just slammin calories any which way i can get em off what my parents purchase from the store. im hitting about 3500-4000 a day. Started eating like this a few weeks back, before I had taken a break from lifting and dieting and lost a lot of gains. I was looking to get my gains back before starting anything in the first place but didnt mention that lol. Once I transfer colleges and live on my own i'll be able to budget and that way those 4000 calories will be a lot cleaner and more meaningful opposed to pre made freezer foods. Thanks again guys


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by KevOnFire View Post
                    Yeah guys I really appreciate the feedback. I actually am gonna stray away until I reach a stalemate. I've been eating like a monster (maybe not the cleanest but fairly) and have been seeing gains still. Eager as I may be to become that 190 lean. I'll try pursuing it naturally and keeping the consistency and mixing up my workout routines. I do want to compete for bodybuilding but realizing I have time to work for it as a natty and am in no real rush other than my current unsatisfied mindset. I'm gonna leave the tren on the shelf and maybe once i hit about 170 (hopefully in a couple months) run the cycle of just test..

                    You guys are awesome, nobody was negatively talking down to me just being real and appreciate that. Definitely looking forward to becoming an avid/active member of this community!

                    btw my diet right now im just slammin calories any which way i can get em off what my parents purchase from the store. im hitting about 3500-4000 a day. Started eating like this a few weeks back, before I had taken a break from lifting and dieting and lost a lot of gains. I was looking to get my gains back before starting anything in the first place but didnt mention that lol. Once I transfer colleges and live on my own i'll be able to budget and that way those 4000 calories will be a lot cleaner and more meaningful opposed to pre made freezer foods. Thanks again guys
                    Well done. Your making the right choice.

                    Get a good protein powder and have a shake with every meal, or inbetween meals to get enough protein in per day, it makes a lot of difference.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by KevOnFire View Post
                      Yeah guys I really appreciate the feedback. I actually am gonna stray away until I reach a stalemate. I've been eating like a monster (maybe not the cleanest but fairly) and have been seeing gains still. Eager as I may be to become that 190 lean. I'll try pursuing it naturally and keeping the consistency and mixing up my workout routines. I do want to compete for bodybuilding but realizing I have time to work for it as a natty and am in no real rush other than my current unsatisfied mindset. I'm gonna leave the tren on the shelf and maybe once i hit about 170 (hopefully in a couple months) run the cycle of just test..

                      You guys are awesome, nobody was negatively talking down to me just being real and appreciate that. Definitely looking forward to becoming an avid/active member of this community!

                      btw my diet right now im just slammin calories any which way i can get em off what my parents purchase from the store. im hitting about 3500-4000 a day. Started eating like this a few weeks back, before I had taken a break from lifting and dieting and lost a lot of gains. I was looking to get my gains back before starting anything in the first place but didnt mention that lol. Once I transfer colleges and live on my own i'll be able to budget and that way those 4000 calories will be a lot cleaner and more meaningful opposed to pre made freezer foods. Thanks again guys
                      We were all at a point similar to yours back in the day. Plus we want you to stick around the forums. And we want you to use steroids, but we just want you to time it right to maximize your experience of them. A well-timed and dosed cycle (or blast) that's accompanied by a solid diet and training is one of the best things in life.


                      • #12
                        Hey Kev. Glad to have you here asking and gaining knowledge. You have gotten some great advice so please heed it. Research PCT and learn it through and through. Your goal is a little far fetched for 1 cycle, and honestly, at your age, teen might not be your best bet. I'm all for helping guys out under 25, but my fear is that you havent grasped this quite yet. That is not a knock on you. I'm glad you are asking and not just doing. IF I were your age and knew then what I knew now, I would focus on changing my body composition by food first. Trust us on this bud. No matter how much gear you run, without proper nutrition you will lose all you gain. I'd also recommend test only, but you're going to do what you want. You need more gear, but there is a way you could make it work, but I'd stick here a little longer and absorb all you can.

