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Warmouth's recomp/lean bulk log

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  • #16
    Originally posted by warmouth View Post
    Ok guys. I need some assistance. Working out 3x weekly sucks and I hate it, but it is all I can do for now. I haven't started any anabolics yet due to trying to get used to my schedule and diet. What would you suggest I do as far as diet? I have been aiming for eating 3000 cals, which is close to maintenance. Since yall know what I'm trying to accomplish, should I up calories on training days, lower on off days, or what? I just don't feel I am getting much out of 3 days a week, which is probably more mental than anything else, and it is just hard getting used to this. Does anyone suggest a different split?
    Honestly brother I have always done better just picking a meal plan and sticking with it. You could carb cycle were you cut your carbs in half on the none training days and that has worked well for me in the past after I hit a stuck point


    • #17
      Thanks kubes..I could try that. I'm hypoglycemic, so I need carbs, but lowering can work for sure. I'll consider this.


      • #18
        This starts tommorrow! Can't wait any longer due to following Admin's log.


        • #19
          How is it going?


          • #20
            I'm loving it! Usually tren takes me a few weeks to get used to it, but this time, it's been easy! I'm in a crazy good mood all day, I find myself going out of my way to help others, and I just feel good. I'm not having any insomnia yet. I know it's coming, but so far so good. Sweating more than usual, and I'm getting shortness of breath doing medial tasks, so it's doing its thing. Vascularity is way up! I have totally changed up my training split, and I'll go over that on the next update. It's working out better for me than the first. I still feel that I'm not getting all I couldbe just working out 3x weekly, but it's better than nothing and I think it's mental. I'm finding I'm working muscles that get neglected more often. I'm about to get some more prami, as I have about 2 weeks worth left. The T3 at 50mcgs daily is plenty. I may bump to as high as 100 if I feel the need, but I don't think I will need too. I'm not having to watch calories as much as I thought I would. With work, hunting, and the heat wave, I'm sort of doing an intermittent fasting so to speak. I'm having breakfast, snacking lightly (if at all) through the day, then eating like a monster from dinner up till about an hour before bed. I'm doing roughly 35/45/20 pro/carb/fat, and its keeping energy up and not causing my blood sugar to drop. Even though I'm not training like I'm used to, this cycle has been fun and enjoyable. PIP has been rough, but its getting better. I'll try to update in a day or 2 and let you guys critique my training split. I think I've about got it down to what it needs to be.


            • #21
              I'm long winded. Sorry


              • #22
                I've been slacking. Nothing new to add in a positive way. This working out of town is rough on my motivation. The 3 workout days feel lacking and no matter what I do for prepping myself, my motivation is gone. Still going and dieting, making ok progress, but my mind just isn't where it needs to be. Caffine, music, youtube videos, etc just don't help. I guess I'm just in a funk. Any ideas for me to try that help you guys get your motivation back? Usually just thinking about tearing it up in the gym is all it takes, but not right now.


                • #23
                  I could post a pic of a guy 5'10 and 145 lbs. Motivates the crap out of me to hit the gym 6 days a week


                  • #24
                    I train every other day Warmouth, have done that for years. I mostly train low volume very heavy close to 1RM for 2 sets, HIT style though so I do not feel like I need to train more often than that. I found over the years after trying everything under the sun that I grow like a weed when I train that way as opposed to 5x/wk for an hour and a half. The point is that you may need to change your routine so you get more out of the sessions but you can still make great progress training every other day. Some people I know won't progress unless they do a 4x10-15, 4 sets per part routine and have to go 5-6 days a week. I know some people who honestly go maybe once or twice a week and look like they live at the gym. I'm kind of in the middle. IDK man make the best of it I guess is the point lol.


                    • #25
                      How is this coming on War?


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by warmouth View Post
                        I've been slacking. Nothing new to add in a positive way. This working out of town is rough on my motivation. The 3 workout days feel lacking and no matter what I do for prepping myself, my motivation is gone. Still going and dieting, making ok progress, but my mind just isn't where it needs to be. Caffine, music, youtube videos, etc just don't help. I guess I'm just in a funk. Any ideas for me to try that help you guys get your motivation back? Usually just thinking about tearing it up in the gym is all it takes, but not right now.
                        It's a funk as you said. It's in your head. The "Oh my GOD I'm going to shrink if I don't train daily!" thought. Not true. I take a few weeks off every 6 months or so just to let my CNS and physical body recover from all the torture. I may be crazy but I swear I get a rebound effect and get stronger after I do this. rest is not such a bad thing. Watching Olympians train on You tube usually does it for me. gets me in the mood so to speak...


                        • #27
                          Thanks TJM! I feel lazy for sure. And training only 3 days don't help. I haven't shrank, and am still putting the work in, it just feels it could be more quality than I am giving it. Thanks for the words.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by warmouth View Post
                            Thanks TJM! I feel lazy for sure. And training only 3 days don't help. I haven't shrank, and am still putting the work in, it just feels it could be more quality than I am giving it. Thanks for the words.
                            Yeah I hear you. At least it's not a permanent situation.


                            • #29
                              I an going to bump this. I finished the cycle and hit all of the goals. Reached about 193 and 10% on the last day of pinning. Have fluctuated up and down since going from 183-189 daily. Up and down, up and down. This last cycle just wore me out. Pinning 1 to 2x daily had me sore everywhere. The tren sides were so minimal that it seemed I was only using high test. Did get sweats. Aggression was pretty mild. I've ben off for 4 weeks now and am a going to use 200mgs of test (dr put me on higher dose) and use 75mgs of var shortly. I'm wanting to hit that 190 mark and hold it without additional bloat or fat. May stick to 50mgs of var. I can get back to 190 easily in just days, but it will be bloat and not good. My diet is still at maintenance, but I want to stay at 190 or more and eat like a monster to hold it as long as I can. I get lethargic at higher body weights if it's just forced weight from food and supplements. Thinking about running the var only in a couple of weeks to help keep the bloat down while packing it on. We'll see, as I'm not 100% on doing anything yet. Just bouncing around an idea.
                              Last edited by warmouth; 07-31-2015, 05:30 PM.


                              • #30
                                I was reading this and thinking about what TJM told u about training EOD... i am with him at that point (u know I train mostly for strenght rather than size) but when on volume phase I continue training EOD and get preety decent size with almost no bloat (and we call volume phase doing 6 reps at most for 4 to 5 sets during just a month or month an a half).
                                That fact about getting shrink if training EOD is in ur mind for sure, I used to thought same way for several years till i met my actual trainer that showed me how u can go up and down as u need/want with only 3 to 4 training days with a high logical planned routine and great diet and rest.
                                Will be good to see my result as an example as I will start the cycle on monday, training the way I said above from wk 3 to 8.... wk 1 and 2 will be used for finishing the max strength period i am doing now and a fast transition to my "volume phase".

