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MDS1' s Autumn Bulk Log.

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  • #31
    Heck yeah man! Keep the updates coming! You can post everyday if you like because I love hearing the news. I hope I get to that one day. My dang legs are just so long... arms too. I have long limbs and a very short torso. I have gotten 660 for like 3 reps on the leg press before, but it wasn't full reps. I couldn't imagine 880! And more than that, bravo on those squats! I repped 225 x 8 today on deads for 1 set only. I have some catching up to do!


    • #32
      Week Seven:

      My chest infection has pretty much cleared up, and appetite has returned. Resting pulse rate is back down to normal (78-80 Bpm) I can only guess that it was elevated to 95 Bpm at rest, due to the infection. BP is holding at 140/80 which is ok for me.

      Training is right back on track, I'm nice and strong and still getting wicked pumps. Weight is only 208lbs - I am really struggling to get past that 210lbs plateau. I am still a little breathless after a good heavy, intense workout, but nowhere near as bad as it was.

      I am pleased with progress, but have to admit with a cycle as strong as this (for me anyway) I expected more gains. Let's see what the next week or so brings


      • #33
        I hate those sticking points! I don't typically suggest shakes, but in this situation, I will. Add in 2 shakes daily, 50 grams protien each. Maybe add a half cup oats if you feel you need it. Mix only with enough water to blend. That way it makes it easier to get down. I'm not a fan of shakes, as most know, but if used for what they are intended (a supplement not meal replacement), they can be the difference in goals.


        • #34
          Yep, I was thinking the same thing. I will add a couple of extra whey shakes a day (I'm not normally a fan of protein taken in this way) I usually only have one a day straight after workouts, in the car on the way home. But to get the extra nutrients in, I will take your advice and up it to three daily.


          • #35
            What are you taking for pre/intra/post WO nutrition?

            I like Intra-MD a lot for intra-WO. Helps with recovery.


            • #36
              I dont like it either buddy, but its just so much easier to sqeeze in a shake or 2 during a bulk instead of more food! Yuck. It gets so old.
              I have to try Admin's recommendations..he always has new stuff to recommend!


              • #37


                • #38
                  Week Eight: Final week.

                  I hit 212lbs this week, feeling strong, tight and on target. Tried a single bench at 315lbs and made it. Single squat @ 485lbs and narrowly missed a deadlift at 485lbs. I do not train primarily for strength, however occasionally I try single lifts just to see what I can do. Nice improvements in just eight weeks- if I may say.

                  My doctor has put me on BP medication (5mg Perindopril) as my blood pressure is slightly elevated. On his instructions I have taken BP readings twice daily for a week. It has come down to 122/58 average - which is cool.

                  I am fed up with stuffing my face with food constantly, but with my type of physique, it has to be done. I have added whey shakes three times a day on top of my seven meals, which is very hard work day in-day out. I had my last jab of Test Propionate today, so I start PCT next week. I never normally do Post Cycle therapy, so this will be interesting.

                  The items I will use are Nolvadex, Aromasin and HCG.

                  I intend to compete in May 2016 at the Hercules Olympia Show in Essex. I normally diet down for a show for eight to ten weeks my cutting cycle is usually my old favourites, Trenbalone Acetate, Testosterone Propionate and Masteron. I don't use Clenbuterol because it really screws me up, just two 10mg tablets and I shake like a leaf, my heart races and I feel like I am going to collapse. My nervous system just can't handle it. My Age I guess.

                  I just diet hard, train fast and blast the cardio.

                  So to sum up:
                  Bodyweight up from 205 to 212lbs.
                  Strength up quite a bit
                  No sides at all (I am aware of)
                  Generally good feeling about all aspects of life, not just in the Gym
                  Awesome workouts
                  Improved energy levels
                  really deep intense pumps that last over a day
                  Vastly increased sex drive

                  So I'm going to do 4 weeks PCT, which will take me into my busiest time of year at work, training has to take a back seat at Christmas time, and then in the New Year a quick six week bulk and straight into pre-contest prep.

                  I hope you have enjoyed reading my log, I hope it is of benefit to you all, stay focused and hit the Gym!



                  • #39
                    Originally posted by MDS1 View Post
                    Week Eight: Final week.

                    I hit 212lbs this week, feeling strong, tight and on target. Tried a single bench at 315lbs and made it. Single squat @ 485lbs and narrowly missed a deadlift at 485lbs. I do not train primarily for strength, however occasionally I try single lifts just to see what I can do. Nice improvements in just eight weeks- if I may say.

                    My doctor has put me on BP medication (5mg Perindopril) as my blood pressure is slightly elevated. On his instructions I have taken BP readings twice daily for a week. It has come down to 122/58 average - which is cool.

                    I am fed up with stuffing my face with food constantly, but with my type of physique, it has to be done. I have added whey shakes three times a day on top of my seven meals, which is very hard work day in-day out. I had my last jab of Test Propionate today, so I start PCT next week. I never normally do Post Cycle therapy, so this will be interesting.

                    The items I will use are Nolvadex, Aromasin and HCG.

                    I intend to compete in May 2016 at the Hercules Olympia Show in Essex. I normally diet down for a show for eight to ten weeks my cutting cycle is usually my old favourites, Trenbalone Acetate, Testosterone Propionate and Masteron. I don't use Clenbuterol because it really screws me up, just two 10mg tablets and I shake like a leaf, my heart races and I feel like I am going to collapse. My nervous system just can't handle it. My Age I guess.

                    I just diet hard, train fast and blast the cardio.

                    So to sum up:
                    Bodyweight up from 205 to 212lbs.
                    Strength up quite a bit
                    No sides at all (I am aware of)
                    Generally good feeling about all aspects of life, not just in the Gym
                    Awesome workouts
                    Improved energy levels
                    really deep intense pumps that last over a day
                    Vastly increased sex drive

                    So I'm going to do 4 weeks PCT, which will take me into my busiest time of year at work, training has to take a back seat at Christmas time, and then in the New Year a quick six week bulk and straight into pre-contest prep.

                    I hope you have enjoyed reading my log, I hope it is of benefit to you all, stay focused and hit the Gym!



                    Do you usually come off and conduct PCT?

                    Are you going to get blood tests done after PCT has finished to see where you are?

