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Thoughts on Homeostasis

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  • Thoughts on Homeostasis

    What's up guys! So I'm planning out my bulk and planning on taking this cycle to the next level, in terms of what I'm trying to accomplish. I do have some questions about homeostasis that I want to nail down before I get it all lined up, and most of you guys are smarter than me when it comes to the science of things.

    I have heard throughout the years that homeostasis is a real thing and that progress slows, if not stops after so many weeks, months, etc. I have also heard to continue progress and extend the cycle that one must up the dose of whatever AAS they are using. I'm also wondering if simply continuing to ramp calories would combat this. For me personally, I haven't experienced this, even with very long cycles. A trustworthy guy that most of us are familiar with has said that an 8 week on/2 week off blast and cruise is the way to go, even with long esters like nandrolone deconate and EQ. The science seems to support this and even with the long esters, after 2 weeks, although still working, the hormone is still clearing, and the redosing of the gear would take the same amount of time to reach peak blood plasma levels, hence starting the cycle over.
    I'm also curious if planning a long cycle if it would be best to go 10 weeks on/4 off, then back to 10.

    My next cycle is going to be a long one, moderately doses, yet very simple. I'm just trying to find out how to get the most out of it with minimal diminishing returns. I have the plan laid out, I just want to get the most of it, as my goals for this cycle is going to be different than any I have ever set before. Its an all out mass cycle.

    Also for onlookers...Long cycles carry a very high risk to reward outcome. They are not intended (or I can't recommend them to anyone with a healthy HPTA) for healthy individuals who just want to cycle hear and there. I am on testosterone replacement therapy, so I am willing to risk a little more due to not being able to restore my HTPA. Caution is always advised to anyone, regardless of cycle experience.

  • #2
    Dude, I had to Google "Homeostasis" to find out what it means. LOL! - I guess I won't be much help on this one!


    • #3
      I should have described it, lol. I bet you can help on this one! Basically, it is when the androgen receptors are fully saturated and the progress due to AAS slows or completely stops, therefore the returns are diminished or so slow that the risk to reward value is worthless. Have you ever experienced a slow down from a longer cycle around the 10-12 week mark? And if so, what did you do to combat the issue of slowed growth?


      • #4
        I personally have never gone on a cycle for more than 8-10 weeks. The reason behind this is the literature I read back in the early nineties (Dan Duchaine's underground steroid book and Bill Phillips' anabolic review I think it was called) There were other books I read back then too, the Internet was in it's infancy so information wasn't freely available like it is today. The general word then was avoid "Receptor Downgrade" by keeping cycles short, take time off equal to time on, and rotate your steroids to prevent building a tolerance level so high that nothing works anymore - and side effects become a real issue.

        I still stick to short cycles with short ester drugs - because for me- it seems to work. I do have a lot to learn, and things have changed a lot, hence why I joined this forum. I am sure there are much more effective ways these days to prevent staleness and receptor saturation.

        I have only been back in training for three years after a fifteen year lay-off, so at this time I have not experienced any receptor shutdown I am aware of. I have had five cycles in that three years each lasting 8 weeks or so. I am keen to learn new tactics and gain better knowledge of more modern practices though.... so please share anything you get benefit from!


        • #5
          I have ran a test to deca ratio of 150:600, then bumping to 150:900, then to 1200 the last 4 weeks of a 20 weeker. I never slowed down on the results, but I was bumping every 4 or 6 weeks. I like deca due to its slow action, and the gains seem to last. I'm a bigger fan of short esters, as I got my biggest on an ungodly amount of NPP in a very short time. I've only recently got more into the long esters, as my work is so random that ED or EOD injections are more a hassle. I am going to be using peptides this time to see what it's about. I think I will stay high anabolic and androgenic the first half of the cycle to add as much mass as I can, then lower the androgens and let the anabolics help to maintain the mass so that my body can become accustomed to the added weight. To much weight in a short time was hell on my body. I dont want to make that mistake again.

