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Lower back pain

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  • Heathcliff
    Hi All,
    Some tips for those who are dealing with lower back pain.
    Get practical and engage yourself in exercises but avoid doing exercises that put pressure on the spine. Stretching and therapeutic exercises are great to deal with lower back pain. Manage stress and reduce extra body weight. Have dood posture and rest properly.
    Last edited by Heathcliff; 06-15-2013, 05:55 AM.

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  • kubes
    [QUOTE=Fast;1295]Have you thought about seeing for mini hopefully it was just muscle related be very careful with chiro's

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  • kubes
    Originally posted by Mini-G View Post
    Those stretches good for general back health you think? Care too share?
    With the correct diagnoses.... Yes for herniated discs the method is known to abolish back pain but like i said its pretty extreme and will make your lower back and hips pretty darn sore. Here is how it works. Lay on the floor face down, Keeping your pelvis to the floor you put your hands about shoulder width apart and at shoulder level, Palms on the floor press up to the extension position. Never letting your pelvis move you can see how this really pushes things in. My therapist had me doing 20 repetitions every hour for a very long time till the symptoms finally subsided.

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  • Mini-G
    Originally posted by Jim230027 View Post
    My pt told me to but i don't do them to the extreme anymore! They made me pretty sore but it was worth it. Now its more of a lifestyle change. I avoid sitting for long periods of time and when i do i use a lumbar cushion. I am very careful when i lift... I dont do anything that causes spinal compression anymore. I have just found ways to work around the injury. I do some stretches at night before bed and a version of the press up but just not to the extreme as before.
    Those stretches good for general back health you think? Care too share?

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  • kubes
    Originally posted by Mini-G View Post
    Wow! That's insane. The things they can do nowadays is crazy. Do you still have to do the press ups every so often to maintain scar tissue because even that eventually goes away ??
    My pt told me to but i don't do them to the extreme anymore! They made me pretty sore but it was worth it. Now its more of a lifestyle change. I avoid sitting for long periods of time and when i do i use a lumbar cushion. I am very careful when i lift... I dont do anything that causes spinal compression anymore. I have just found ways to work around the injury. I do some stretches at night before bed and a version of the press up but just not to the extreme as before.

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  • Mini-G
    Originally posted by Jim230027 View Post
    I had similar problems but it was disc related. Ddd at l5s1 so bad the dr told me I had 2mm of space left between the vertebrae. I had 7 different dr tell me I had to fuse it. I didn't went to pt and did the mckenzie method. Similar to what you did but its pretty extreme. I had to do these things called press ups every hr for about a year. The idea is to move the jelly in the disc to the center so the disc can build up a scar. At any rate it worked very little pain and I am training 5 days a week for the last couple years again. FYI I wasn't out of the gym a year but it was about 4 months during the worst part of the injury
    Wow! That's insane. The things they can do nowadays is crazy. Do you still have to do the press ups every so often to maintain scar tissue because even that eventually goes away ??

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  • kubes
    I had similar problems but it was disc related. Ddd at l5s1 so bad the dr told me I had 2mm of space left between the vertebrae. I had 7 different dr tell me I had to fuse it. I didn't went to pt and did the mckenzie method. Similar to what you did but its pretty extreme. I had to do these things called press ups every hr for about a year. The idea is to move the jelly in the disc to the center so the disc can build up a scar. At any rate it worked very little pain and I am training 5 days a week for the last couple years again. FYI I wasn't out of the gym a year but it was about 4 months during the worst part of the injury

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  • warmouth
    Ill get my wife to chime in when she is available. I suffer lower back pain too. It sucks.

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  • Mini-G
    started a topic Lower back pain

    Lower back pain

    I had severe lower back pain for a LOOOOONG time. Never knew why... It got especially chaotic when and if i put on a few lbs. For awhile I couldn't think about going to the gym because any excercise that required standing with weight would instantly create a murderous sensation. Same with anything that required using the lower back to counter te weight or stability. Or cardio.

    You get the picture. I literally could NOT train... At all. I always thought it was some sort of hip or spine or ... Some sort of problem. It was low. A little above the ass crack and it was on either side. Enough that I could literally NOT get rid of it. Wouldn't go away if I say down, laid down, put legs up, stretched. NOTHING but laying in a bed helped. It was retarded. So a friend of mine made the suggestion that maybe its
    Not a bone issue or a Torn or damaged muscle... Maybe it was an underdeveloped one. I had nothing left to do... I tried everything from massages to electro therapy to muscle relaxants.... So I started doing what caused the most pain. And I mean it made me immobile for 15-25 minutes from one set....


    Long story short... I suffered week after week.. Killed and rotted and hated every minute f my life... BUT it was that. An underdeveloped lumbar or some crap. SO it's amazing ya. If anyone has any similar problems... Try to diagnose ad focus on it.