Hello everyone. This is my first time posting on an internet forum, but i've been a longtime lurker of many forums for more than five years.
I've done 3 cycles in the past, and am currently 210 at 5"11. I started working out at 145 (18 years old) and started my first cycle at 170. (20 years old). I had been off for about six months and just did my second pin yesterday of my new cycle.
For experimental purposes and in hopes it will do to me what i've seen it do to people I know, I am trying a cycle based around tren, not test. I know many of you may think this to be absurd. I have ran a test only cycle and I get TERRIBLE acne from test and just don't like it, which is another factor that led to this experiment.
Cycle is as follows:
week 1 Trenbolone E 400mg/wk
weeks 2-6 Trenbolone E 300mg/wk
weeks 1-5 Anadrol 75mg/wk
weeks1-5 EQ cypionate 600mg/wk
weeks3-7 ANTI A by SD pharmaceuticals 2pills/day
weeks 7-12 Mucuna puriens 5g/day
One other specific product I can't remember the name of but completes the pct and is what I've always used along with people in my local area, always with good blood work results of course.
Diet will be 4k cals/day minimum. No cardio.
I'm going for an all out bulk.
Would enjoy hearing what you all think of that cycle with no test. The tren base theory has been used by more european bodybuilders commonly but everywhere really it seems to be more popular than a lot of forums will have you believe.
I've done 3 cycles in the past, and am currently 210 at 5"11. I started working out at 145 (18 years old) and started my first cycle at 170. (20 years old). I had been off for about six months and just did my second pin yesterday of my new cycle.
For experimental purposes and in hopes it will do to me what i've seen it do to people I know, I am trying a cycle based around tren, not test. I know many of you may think this to be absurd. I have ran a test only cycle and I get TERRIBLE acne from test and just don't like it, which is another factor that led to this experiment.
Cycle is as follows:
week 1 Trenbolone E 400mg/wk
weeks 2-6 Trenbolone E 300mg/wk
weeks 1-5 Anadrol 75mg/wk
weeks1-5 EQ cypionate 600mg/wk
weeks3-7 ANTI A by SD pharmaceuticals 2pills/day
weeks 7-12 Mucuna puriens 5g/day
One other specific product I can't remember the name of but completes the pct and is what I've always used along with people in my local area, always with good blood work results of course.
Diet will be 4k cals/day minimum. No cardio.
I'm going for an all out bulk.
Would enjoy hearing what you all think of that cycle with no test. The tren base theory has been used by more european bodybuilders commonly but everywhere really it seems to be more popular than a lot of forums will have you believe.