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Ok, This is it! First part of the Blast Planned. TREN!

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  • #91
    Originally posted by magnus
    How much tren are you using these days? Did you bring the dose down since you noticed BP was up?
    Still at 100. Jumpes to 150 last saturday to see if there would be a change. Staying at 100. Next time, ill add tren a in a long estered cycle for a few weeks. As the cycle is coming to am end, it is a touch harsher.


    • #92
      Originally posted by NoBull View Post
      War, my BP had shot up from Tren as well. Threw it into my cycle about the same time as you. All I had to do was drop HCG and add some Letro, and I was fine. Joints hurt a little, but it worked. 132/72 was the reading yesterday. Not sure if this is any use to you as it might not be the estrogen causing it for you. (I know very little about estrogen and the like)
      I'm only at 125 test, so shouldn't be estro. Thanks for the advice. It may have given me an idea


      • #93
        Originally posted by magnus
        Question on BP. If the cuff does not fit your bicep can you take a measurement on your forearm?
        Good question. I imagine you could if using a manual cuff. An automatic probanly wouldn't work. Ill try it manually later when I get home and let you know.


        • #94
          Originally posted by magnus
          I bought a digital one then realized it probably would not fit. They sell a xl cuff for the particular one that I bought so I ordered one. However the specs says it only goes up to 17 1/4 inch. I read that if you take a reading on the forearm it will not be accurate.
          When it comes in I'll see if I just wasted $70
          You didn't waste money. Most all autos are inaccurate. What you need to do is manually check it 3 times and then auto check it 3 times. Average the difference and you will find how much off the auto is. Mine is off by 10points.


          • #95
            No problem. I've suffered hypertension since a was 15. I took my meds till I was about 18 then only took them from time to time. It wasn't until I was about 25 that I started back taking them as prescribed. By then it had killed my T levels and now I'm on TRT. Doctor can't figure if it was due to the meds or the lack of meds.


            • #96
              Guys, its almost over. I can say that this is the first time I have ever been glad to finish up a cycle. It isn't all bad, and is way over exaggerated, but the stuff is harsh. Ill be glad to normalized and get back to being me. I really need a break after this one. I can't say for certain when I will get back "on" anything, but it will be a good while before I get back onthe tren. I thought about extending it for 2 weeks and bumping to 125mgs, but I think I'm going to pass and take some time off. I may cruise on my trt dosed a little higher than normal (been thinking of cruising at 200-250), and just stay off higher doses until I feel normal and have BW to confirm it.


              • #97
                Originally posted by magnus
                How were the results. At what point did things start to get harsh? Just curious cause I started a Tren/prop blast myself 3 weeks ago. I seem to be lucky with sides usually and tren seems to be another compound that is not bad for me.
                Well, the sides aren't bad, but they are there and its annoying. I really started to notice about 2 weeks ago. I'm just so ready to have a break. I'm even going to do my trt 1x weekly. Going to take 4-6 weeks off, maybe run a moderate dose of anavar in between.


                • #98
                  Give any thought you getting on it again but with a lower dose?


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Bull View Post
                    Give any thought you getting on it again but with a lower dose?
                    Oh yeah. Ill definitely run it again, but at a higher dose. I've tolerated it very well, and was scared of other peoples over-exaggerations. Yes, its been fairly harsh, and I only will do the short ester, but it has been very manageable. But I'm over sweating like a pig, shortness of breath, short temper, and over sleeping. Nothing has been severe, but it has affected my attitude more than anything else. I'm ready for a nice, long test only cycle.


                    • Minor update. This weekend was my scheduled time to wrap up the cycle. Well, as bad as I am wanting to finish it off, I am extending it for 2 more weeks. The reason is, my planned 8 weeker was wasted the last 2 due to a hectic work schedule and diet. I only made it to the gym 2 times both weeks (4 times total in 2 weeks) and I have only managed to eat breakfast and dinner, along with a snack at night. I feel it was wasted, and I am in the final stages of filtering 50mls . I am not using all 50, surely you guys knew that, lol. I'm going to ramp to 125mgs for 2 more weeks, and start anavar at 75mgs these final 2 weeks and extend that to a total of 6weeks(4 weeks after the tren). I feel this is the best time to see the effects of an overlap between these 2 since I wont be using tren until next year. There is so much I want to try out, and so much crap I have been filtering that I have never tried for a cycle. Wonder if masteron with anavar would have synergistic effects??? Fun times with a whatman!


                      • Originally posted by magnus
                        So in the end how did your lifts increase. At this point I guess I'm in the sweet spot going heavier every time I hit the gym. Just finished 4 weeks.
                        I can't say my lifts got a lot better. I'm learning how to add strength. Bascially I've been conditioning over the last year and really only doing 1 big heavy set per exercise out of 4 sets. I'm now focusing on lower sets and reps and getting as much out as I can. Ib have extended the tren for 2 more weeks with var thrown in at 75mgs daily. Really just want to see the effects of the overlap more than anything. I know it willbe quite a while before I hit the tren again, so I figured I'd give it a shot now.

